Traveling the world can inspire great stories—our research paper writers can help you transform those experiences into top-notch academic work.

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2015: A Year in Review

2015 is almost over and when I look back on this year I’m a little unsure on how I would sum it up. In some ways it was truly spectacular. I went on a press trip with my best friends. I happily survived my long ...Read More

The Charm of Sicily Lies in the East

For as long as I can remember, I had wanted to visit Sicily. It’s the one place in the world where I can trace a certain genealogical connection, the food was supposed to be some of Italy’s best, and, of course, everyone raves about ...Read More

Farsickness Monthly Recap: June 2015

At the end of every month I like wrap up my favorite moments, posts, Instagrams, and meals while giving a behind the scenes look at some of the moments that otherwise wouldn’t make the blog. Wow. Could this month have gone any more differently than ...Read More

Educational benefits of traveling: A guide for students

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