I can’t believe July is over! I finished up the first semester of the school year and have been enjoying half days of camp for the past week and a half. On the blog front, July was Farsickness’s most successful month yet! I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read or comment on any post. It means a lot!
Now onto the wrap up!
My Favorite Farsickness Posts
Planning the “Big Trip”: I’ve been planning my big trip around Southeast Asia for over a year and it’s just over six months until Tara and I will depart. I posted our tentative itinerary and got a lot of great feedback from readers. We are still making tweaks and getting even more excited about traveling long term.
What I Miss (and Don’t Miss) About the United States: On my nation’s birthday I made a list of things I really wish could bring to Korea with me (Target!) and another of things I’m really glad I don’t have to deal with anymore (annoying people mostly).
Flashback Friday: When I Was Stalked in Lucca: It’s unfortunate, but if you are a woman you’re probably going to receive some unwanted attention while on the road, especially if you’re by yourself. In this post I talked about the time I was followed by an aggressive man in Lucca and what I learned from the situation.
Capture the Colour: This was one of the most fun travel blog memes I’ve participated in. I loved going back through my photos and seeing the different ways I could interpret color.
What I’ve Been Reading
Globetrotter Girls Views From Above: Singapore: I’ve been reading Jess and Dani’s blog for a while, and I really love this post about the best views in Singapore. I try to scope at out least one great view when I visit a new place and I know I will be referencing this post when I plan my trip to Singapore next year.
Aviators and a Camera The Best Camera Is The One That’s With You: Kirsten is a wonderful photographer and was one of the first iPhoneographers. I’ve recently become a big fan of Instagram (I know, I’m way late to the party) and iPhone camera apps so this post which lists some of the best apps was extremely helpful for me. Also, Kirsten shows some examples of just how great iPhone photos can be.
Waegook Tom Why You Can’t Bulletpoint Gay Travel: No, Tom is not paying be to promote his site (probably wouldn’t be the best ROI anyway…) but this post is too good not to be mentioned. Tom’s rant that followed a request from another blogger to bulletpoint how to travel while gay ends up being more insightful than ranty. Definitely check it out.
The Wanderlust Project How to Stay Sane in Korea: Sheryll posts some great tips, not just for people living in Korea, but for expats everywhere. It can be easy to get sucked into a negative bubble or dwell on your problems when you’re in a strange land far from family and friends. The seven tips that this post gives are definitely a way to make your time as an expat more enjoyable.
Ride Bikes Not Elephants: My final favorite read of the month isn’t a post, but an entire blog. Matt Rousu began a 4,000 kilometer solo bike ride up Australia’s eastern coast on July 21st in hopes of raising $4,000AUS for the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This is in part of a larger effort to raise $20,000AUS for the park by November 2012. I’ve written about my love of elephants before and I really commend the job that Matt and Chantelle Ridley are doing for Asian elephants.
Farsickness Around The Internet
Don’t Ever Look Back Sunday Spotlight: Another Side to Bali, Indonesia: I wrote about my time in East Bali for Amy and Kieron’s series, Sunday Spotlight. I didn’t blog about a lot of that trip so it was nice to take another look.
Twenty-Something Travel Friday Postcard: Millenium Bridge: Stephanie featured a photo that I took in London of the Millenium Bridge at dusk. This is probably one of my favorite photos that I’ve ever taken.
The Travel Hack Sunset Sunday: Rome: Lastly, a photo that I took from the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome made an appearance in Monica’s Sunset Sunday series.
Upcoming Travel
I am very excited for August because it means SUMMER VACATION. Two glorious weeks off, the most time I’ve had off since I came to Korea last February! Tara and I will be heading to Ulleung-do, the mysterious island off Korea’s eastern coast and gateway to the disputed Dokdo on Friday evening. We will then pay a visit to Korea’s most famous island, Jeju-d0, for a few days. I’m hoping that the unseasonably sunny weather we’ve been having sticks around! And for the last weekend of my vacation, I’ll be headed back to Busan and maybe, just maybe, trying some live octopus this time! Should be a busy, travel filled month. Just the way I like it!
Thanks again for reading and Happy Travels!
What were your favorite posts around the blogosphere in July? Do you have any travel plans that you are looking forward to in August?
If you haven’t already, please ‘Like’ Farsickness on Facebook and stay up to date on all my travels and posts! Your support is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for including me again, Amanda! Nice cover on the whole me paying you to feature my blog monthly, wink wink
Seriously though, I really enjoyed Sheryll’s post this month, and also the Singapore post from Globetrotter Girls. Great posts from you this month, too – yours is now one of the blogs I head to first when I’m looking for new reads!
p.s. we gotta try out a Bear Fucker next time we hang out!
Waegook Tom recently posted..5 Reasons Not To Go To North Korea
Not a problem, you keep making great posts
And thanks, I’m glad someone enjoys this blog
Yes, yes, yes to a bear fucker