United States Archive

Snapshot Sunday: Acadia National Park

I took the photo for this week’s Snapshot Sunday in Bar Harbor, Maine while on a road trip with a friend. It was the first weekend I had my DSLR, and while the photos aren’t perfect, I had a fun time playing with the ...Read More

Flashback Friday: Camp America

This week’s Flashback Friday is a little different, and a little special. This post is the first by a guest author on Farsickness! I started Flashback Friday as a way to tell stories about traveling I’d done before I started blogging. A lot of ...Read More

Flashback Friday: Cherry Blossom Festivals

I apologize for the lack of posts in the past week. Lack of internet access in the most connected country in the world, holidays, and hospital visits have had me slacking! I return with a Flashback Friday post dedicated to cherry blossoms in honor ...Read More
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