Oh, August. While I had a wonderful month of travel around Korea, I struggled a little with the blogging. I didn’t hit a groove writing while on the road, something I’m going to need to figure out, and was backlogged and stressed with the new semester when I got back to Seoul. Excuses aside, I’m ready to go for September and am excited to get back into it! On a more positive note, I had my first article published this month, a short restaurant review in a local expat mag, and I have a few more things in the pipeline. I’m sure when the September wrap up rolls around I will have a lot to talk about. Until then, let’s take a look at the best of August.
My Favorite Farsickness Posts
Flashback Friday: A London Photo Essay: Inspired by the Olympics, I posted some of my favorite photos from one of my favorites cities, a lot of which had never been on the blog before. This post, and a lot of other European-centric posts in the blogosphere this month, made me Euro-sick. Until I get back to that part of the world I’ll have to settle for looking at my old pictures.
The Best Mistakes I’ve Ever Made: A few dumb decisions and some bad luck in Ulleungdo led to one of my favorite evenings on the island.
Jeju’s Most Beautiful Beach: If I could support myself to be a beach bum, I would. Until then I will scour the world for the most beautiful beach. Hyeopjae, in Jeju, could be a contender. It’s by far the most beautiful in Korea!
What I’ve Been Reading
Over Yonderlust Louisville, Kentucky: I Like to Be Surprised: My parents moved to Louisville (from Michigan, where I grew up) shortly before I came to Korea. I was less than enthused by their decision on location, but like Erica I was actually really surprised by Louisville. With its fantastic selection of restaurants, quirky character, and Southern charm, Louisville has become a place I’d actually recommend. This post does a great job highlighting the city’s finer points.
Twenty-Something Travel The Introverts Guide to Travel: I’m a very introverted person; like my time alone. But I also like to travel and meet people. In this post Stephanie gives some great advice on how to get the most out of travel while being an introvert.
World Walk About Why Our Lives Aren’t Actually All That Exciting: Andrea and Matt’s blog has quickly become one of my favorites. As fellow teachers in South Korea they know that expat life isn’t all travel and fun. It actually includes things like grocery shopping, bill paying, and laundry. Andrea’s post does a good job debunking the, I think common, thought that expat life isn’t real life.
C’est Christine Postcard from Santa Fe: I know very little about the American Southwest but after reading this post by Christine, and gazing at the beautiful photos, I can now say that Santa Fe is high on my list of places I must visit soon!
World Flavor How We Saved Money Teaching English in Korea Rachel and Jeff are about to leave Korea after teaching here for a year and have offered up some tips on how to save money in Korea. Tips that I should probably start follow, like, now.
Farsickness Around The Internet
Positive World Travel Things To Do in Seoul: I gave the inside scoop on what to do, where to sleep, and what to eat in Seoul for Anthony and Elise.
The Travel Hack Sunset Sunday: Rome and the City: Monica featured another one of my Roman sunset photos (I have a lot) on her blog!
NeverSeconds Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5: Martha Payne, from Scotland, started blogging about her school lunches in the spring, and quickly became famous worldwide. The attention her blog received even forced changes to public school lunch programs in her country. Since then, Martha has raised over £100,000 for the charity Mary’s Meals, which helps combat world hunger. During her school holiday Martha, called VEG on her blog, had schools from around the world guest post for an entire week. My classes and I stepped up this week and showcased some Korean school lunches and talked about food in Korea. I love seeing change implemented through social media, especially in the area of food, and was very excited to take part in this project!
Magical Teaching The Unscripted Lessons: What I Learned (And Failed to Learn) While TESL-ing in South Korea: One of Tara’s friends from home, Derek, started a collaborative blog that celebrates the teacher in hopes of inspring those who teach to keep being, you guessed it, magical. Though I’m far from a real teacher, I wrote three posts for this fabulous blog (seriously, check it out, all the contributors are wildly talented) and this is the first.
Upcoming Travel
As I settle back into second semester I’m going to try to take it easy for the month and save some money. Korea’s fall harvest holiday, Chuseok, starts at the end of September during which I will be traveling to Tokyo. I am ready to eat, eat, eat and check out some of quirkier Japanese attractions. If you have any Tokyo tips, be sure to leave them in the comments.
Happy Travels!
What were your favorite posts around the blogosphere in August? Do you have any travel plans that you are looking forward to in September?
If you haven’t already, please ‘Like’ Farsickness on Facebook and stay up to date on all my travels and posts! Your support is greatly appreciated.
All of the American Southwest is incredible, but I do love Santa Fe–definitely worth visiting!
Christine recently posted..Obsessed with cocktails al fresco: my favorite rooftop bars
I know very little about anything west of the Mississippi (which is slightly embarrassing), but I think I will be paying a visit to the Southwest when I’m back in the US.
Thank you so much for the mention! Great list of blogs you have here!
Erica recently posted..You’re Invited to My Oktoberfest Birthday!
Not a problem. It was a great post
Thanks so much for including us!
Rachel recently posted..A Few Changes
No problem!
Thanks for the love! We’re among good company on that list

Andrea recently posted..My Three Worst Travel Experiences
It was well deserved! You had so many great posts last month, I had a hard time choosing just one!