At the end of every month I like wrap up my favorite moments, posts, Instagrams, and meals while giving a behind the scenes look at some of the moments that otherwise wouldn’t make the blog.
Surprise! I’m back! After taking a two months break from blogging I’ve debated if I should continue writing or not. My life of full time travel has ended and I’m back in Louisville after four months of European adventures that seem like they happened to another person a lifetime ago.
While my trip was wonderful in so many ways, I’ve decided that I really do want to settle down now. I want a community and a steady income. I want to continue to travel, but for shorter periods of time and with friends or family. I’m currently job hunting and looking to settle down in a part of the country that is completely new to me.
I’ve thought long and hard about what to do with this blog. When I move I don’t want to feel chained to my computer or feel guilty every time I choose going out over staying in and blogging, especially when it’s not my job. Originally I thought I’d give up all together, but then I realized I still have too many stories I want to share. And, as you’ll realize when you read this post, I’ve met too many awesome people through this blog to give it up entirely!
So from now on I’ll be blogging on my own terms. I’m only going to write when I feel inspired or have something to say. I’m only going to write about the parts of my trip that warrant a story. I’m not going to feel the pressure to be active on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc. when I don’t want to. I’m turning this blog back into a hobby I love.
I’m slowly going through the thousands of photos I took this summer and beginning to shape the stories I want to tell, so until then here’s a recap of my last two months on the road.
Destinations Visited
Spain: Granada, Barcelona
Italy: Rome
England: London, Oundle, Bristol
Germany: Frankfurt, Gottingen, Hamburg, Hannover, Goslar
United States: New York, Louisville
Miles Traveled
4, 496 miles in July + 4,195 miles in August = 8,691 miles for the two months. I can’t believe I traveled less miles in the month that involved a transatlantic flight!
Eating my way around Rome
To say I was feeling burnt out when I got to Rome would be the understatement of the century. After covering a lot of ground with my sister in Spain, I just wanted to lie in bed and sleep and not walk or make plans or take pictures. Not helping this was the fact that it was nearly 100 degrees with 80% humidity when I got to Rome. I couldn’t walk about 10 steps without sweating.
Because of this I decided to take it slow and focus on my favorite thing in life: eating. I did manage to walk about 10 miles the one full day I was there but most of my trip was centered around suppli, gelato, and carbonara. No complaints here! I had a great time visiting some old favorites and trying out some new places that had been on my list for a while.
Reuniting with London
When the wheels of my Vueling flight hit pavement at Gatwick I almost burst into tears. I was so happy to be back. I spent about 6 weeks total in London reuniting with my favorite city and my friends in it. There were plenty of nights out, catch up coffee dates, birthday parties, and nights spent hanging out on the sofa eating takeaway and watching Grand Designs or 8 Out of 10 Cats.
I played paintball, went to 2 different beer festivals (one with fellow beer fanatic Edna), and ate at my favorite restaurants plus a few new ones I’d been wanting to try. I spent a lot of time walking in Richmond Park or on the South Bank, went street art hunting in Shoreditch, and ate my weight in clotted cream at more than one afternoon tea. Oh, and I exceeded my goal of having one fry up a week.
It was the best reunion with London I could’ve possibly imagined.
My 5 day Northern Germany crash course
The last week of July I paid a visit to Julika in Germany and, man, did we cover some ground! We explored her adopted hometown of Goettingen, spent two days in the harbor city of Hamburg, and explored some more of Lower Saxony with a day in Hannover and Goslar, which may just be the most picturesque place I’ve ever been!
Julika also introduced me to the wonders of German breakfast and made sure I sampled plenty of Germany’s famous beer. If her careers as a medievalist or photographer don’t work out, she definitely has a future in being a tour guide.
I was also able to meet Megan, another fellow travel blogger, for a few hours in Frankfurt before my flight which was a nice way to round out the trip.
The Southern European heatwave of death
My sister and I were sitting at the hostel in Alicante when I decided to check the weather for Granada, our next destination. I almost fainted when I saw 103 load onto the screen. For the next week, until I left for the UK, temperatures hovered around the 100 degree mark making sightseeing and sweaty and uncomfortable undertaking and sleeping without aircon almost impossible.
Yes, I am being slightly over dramatic but this heat zapped the last bit of backpacking energy I had right out of me. Arriving in London, land of the 60 degree summer, and having to put on a hoodie to combat the cool temps had me smiling in sweet relief.
Sleeping at Stansted Airport
I have a serious problem when it comes to booking flights. I don’t pay attention to flight times until after I’ve booked and then realize they leave too early for me to arrive via public transport. Since Stansted is approximately 900 miles away from Richmond (only a slight exaggeration) and a taxi would cost a billion pounds (again, only a slight exaggeration), I decided to join hundreds of others and sleep on the floor before my flight. It was cold, it was hard, I probably only got about 3 hours of sleep total, and I felt hungover the entire next day. But I did get to do a 3 am Boots shop which proves that all negatives can have a positive side.
Saying goodbye again
I’ve said it probably close to a million times on this blog, but saying goodbye is the worst part of this semi-nomadic lifestyle I have going on. I have some terrific friends in London and as I hugged each of them goodbye I had to choke back tears. Then there was the whole thing of saying goodbye to London and my routine there and all my favorite British foods. Leaving last year was hard, and saying goodbye this year was barely any easier.
Books I Read
What is the What by Dave Eggers This has been on my to-read list (and Kindle) for years and I finally got around to reading it. A semi-biographical book about a Sudanese refugee I learned about the horrors of something I feel like I should’ve already known more about.
London Eyes by Frances M. Thompson A lovely collection of short stories set in London written by a fellow blogger. Definitely pick this up if you’re coming to London as it’ll really set the mood.
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson I really love YA books and this one was no exception. A nice coming of age story about a gay teen and his beautiful twin sister with some typical YA plot points, but enough of a different angle to keep you interested.
How Not to Travel the World by Lauren Juliff Another book written by a travel blogger! Lauren is a disaster prone backpacker and this book regales many of her mishaps while telling the story of her relationship. I loved that it wasn’t just a regurgitated blog posts, but an entirely new rendition of her travels with a lot of extra details.
City of Lies: Love, Sex, Death, and the Search for Truth in Tehran by Ramita Navai Iranian culture is fascinating to me and this book tells the stories of eight Tehranis, stories that you haven’t heard and probably wouldn’t expect to hear about people living in an oppressive regime.
I Am China by Xiaolu Guo I couldn’t put this down. It’s the story of two Chinese lovers separated due to politics told as a translator in London is translating their letters and diaries for a possible book. I’m a sucker for a good love story that has some ties to the historical or political.
September Travel Plans
For the first time since March I have absolutely no travel plans set in stone! I might head up to Michigan with my sister for Labor Day, but besides that I will be in hunkered down in Louisville job hunting, blogging, and studying Persian, my newest hobby.
What were your highlights this month? Any good plans for September? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
You’ve summed up my feelings about blogging perfectly! I still feel some pressure to keep it up, mostly because I don’t want to waste all the work I’ve put into it over the years — but I have a full-time job, and a family, and friends and sometimes blogging cuts into that! Plus, I don’t travel as much anymore. But I’ve pretty much settled where you have — I’ll do what I want, when I want, and if I have nothing to say, I won’t blog
Also, YES about Rome this summer. It was so hot. It’s my favorite place EVER but I was pretty miserable at times. Is that carbonara from Da Enzo?? Too bad we just missed each other! Hope you had a good time despite the heat
I’m always very impressed with how much you manage to blog with your job! But I agree, it’s hard to completely step away from something you’ve worked so hard on for many years. And yes, that is the carbonara from Da Enzo
yea girl it does look like youve had a busy few months! im glad youre blogging for you and no one else. that is why i genuinely read your blog and very, very few others! and also, thanks for not mentioning that i took you to a part of frankfurt known for needles and stuff while we sat in a park drinking beer like homeless people
glad you had a great few months of travel and hope to see you again in the future! BEST OF LUCK with the job search and new location!!! im sure its going to be a great new adventure! <3
Megan recently posted..How I Feel About Travel Blogging These Days
haha maybe I should’ve added “seeing someone shoot up heroin as I walked down the street” to the lowlights
Thanks so much Megan and hopefully out paths cross again soon!
I’m glad you’re not stepping away entirely from the blog, I love hearing about your life (and seeing your beautiful pictures!)
Gabby recently posted..I Stayed: Aria
Thanks Gabby!
If you decide to visit your neighbor down South (Nashville, duh), let a girl know. There’s a 50/50 chance I’ll be here

Camels & Chocolate recently posted..Embracing the All-Inclusive Experience in Aruba
Yes! I’m hoping to make it down there in the next month or so. Hopefully you’ll be around!
I’m only here for one week between now and Oct. 25 (and that’s Taylor Swift week, of course, ha i.e. Sept. 20-26) so hoping it’s sometime then

Camels & Chocolate recently posted..Embracing the All-Inclusive Experience in Aruba
I was wondering what happened to you! Glad all is going well and I’m looking forward to hearing about where you decide to settle. I often think about where I’d want to live in the U.S. if I ever decided to move back. Good luck with the job hunt!
Heather @ Ferreting Out the Fun recently posted..The Best Meals We Ate in Stockholm
Yeah…the unexpected blogging break turned out to be much longer than expected lol. Thanks Heather! And I must ask- what US cities would you think of moving to?
Living in Riga has given me a whole new appreciation for small cities. I’d probably look at places like Nashville, Austin, Seattle, and Portland. Some place with good food, interesting stuff going on and decent weather

Heather @ Ferreting Out the Fun recently posted..The Best Meals We Ate in Stockholm
Amanda! I’m so glad you wrote this- I was actually wondering if you were going to continue your blog or not. I definitely think you should just carry on on your own terms, I’ve noticed quite a few bloggers feeling like that recently and I can completely understand. I’ve actually had 3 blogs since 2006 as, in the end, I gave up on the previous two- it gets exhausting and you feel pressure to post when you don’t feel like it. You should definitely do like you said- Just post when you feel like it and on your own terms. Oh and come on now- just move to Southern California already will ya? I’ll drink craft beer with you

Joella // Paper Crane Stories recently posted..California Road Trip: Newport Beach to San Francisco Itinerary.
Yeah, I think that is key! Not looking as it as a chore and doing it out of love. I am actually looking for jobs in California (San Diego) so maybe we will be drinking a beer together someday soon
I hear San Diego is quite lovely
No writing jobs whatsoever, but great weather! lol
Jenna recently posted..6 Reasons I love New Orleans
San Diego has actually made the shortlist
But yeah….the job market doesn’t seem very promising. Hope your job search isn’t TOO terrible.
Girl, you blog as much or as little as you want. I think it’s great that you’re settling into the US – I’m heading there for a couple of months after I’m finished with Korea (in spring 2017 hahahaha) so hopefully by then you’ll be all settled and I’ll come and pay you a visit.
Love that you ate your way around Rome.. That’s honestly one of my dreams haha. That sucks that you had to sleep at the airport though. What a nightmare. :/ And I totally understand what you mean about the heatwave. Hot weather is great but it can really drain your energy so bad that you don’t want to do anything.. What a travel spoiler.
Ceri recently posted..Tour of my Korean Apartment
Oh, I love monthly recaps! I guess it’s because I’m just so unbearable curious and nosey… But hey, I’ve spent a night at Stansted too this summer. Totally feel your pain there. But what we travellers do for a decent adventure, right?

Christina recently posted..Travel Talk with Polkadot Passport