Now that I’m on the road and the start of the month also coincides with the monthly anniversary of my travels I’m going to change to wrap ups a little to include some more about what I’ve been up to in addition to my favorite posts from the month.
I can’t believe I am one month into my trip- a quarter of the way done! March has had its ups and downs, which I’ll write about in more detail below, but I think I’ve finally settled into a good routine and gotten used to being on the road and being away from Korea.
- El Nido had been a dream destination of mine for some time, so actually making it there, the first real stop of our trip, was a special moment. As was swimming in the turquoise big lagoon.
- The Cameron Highlands were a cool respite from the sweltering temperatures of Singapore and Melaka. With temperatures of around 18 degrees Celsius I was walking around in long sleeves! Not only comfortable, the mountainous tea plantations were like nothing I’d ever seen before and the tea was delicious.
- Snorkeling in the Perhentian Islands has been the highlight of this trip so far. I swam next to a huge sea turtle, a shark, and schools of beautiful fish. This little day trip may have even inspired me to get PADI certified in Thailand.
- The Perhentian Islands were also the site of a reunion. My friend Marty who is doing is own post-Korea travels around Asia was able to swing a few days between Burma and Sri Lanka to bum around at the beach with us. It was a wonderful time and really nice to see a familiar face.
- The five hour van ride from Puerto Princesa to El Nido and back was my idea of a nightmare. On top of windy unpaved roads, the van was cramped and I couldn’t fit my legs behind the seat comfortable which led them to be numb from the knee down. It was well worth it but the pain and fear were bad.
- Seeing 2 cockroaches. One of which was the largest bug I’ve ever seen in my life. In our private bathroom. I know that bugs of these sort are just part of being in southeast Asia but I’m not a big fan of bugs and I’d never seen a cockroach before this trip so it was a shock.
- Getting food poisoning and some sort of respiratory illness at the same time which resulted in me not being able to enjoy my time in Singapore or eat for about 3 days.
Distance Traveled: 4,761 miles
Planes: 4
Busses: 4
Vans: 4
Boats: 6
Beds Slept In: 11
Cockroaches seen: 2
Countries Visited: Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia
Places Visited: Puerto Princesa, El Nido, Manila, Singapore, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, Cameron Highlands, Perhentian Islands, Georgetown
Money Spent: About $1,500. This is above my initial budget but seems to be more realistic so I’m going with it!
Favorite Farsickness Posts
Farewell Korea: What I Learned in the Land of the Morning Calm Saying goodbye to Korea was harder than I thought it would be, but I learned some valuable lessons.
My Pre-Trip Fears I’m a natural worrier so I obviously had some reservations before this trip began. Luckily, besides some stomach issues, nothing too bad has happened!
What I Ate In…The Philippines It may have caused food poisoning, but I ate well in the Philippines.
Paradise Found: El Nido, Philippines El Nido was a dream of mine and it did not disappoint.
What I’ve Been Reading
Expat Edna Surprise! Edna surprised her family by coming home, something I’ve always wanted to do, and it was touching.
Lateral Movements The Hardest Part of Travel The last time I left my family I cried and cried and cried. Lauren’s post touches on how hard it is to be the one who chooses to go.
Nomadic Samuel The Challenges of Being a Digital Nomad Sam and I left Korea around the same time and are both having difficulties reconciling the traveling and writing life.
Travels of Adam Couchsurfing for Food Adam details a new social networking site- one that connects hungry travelers.
Sateless Suitcase The Art Historian’s Guide to Not Being a Perfect Traveler Sometimes I just wanted a double cheeseburger and air con when I’m traveling. Julika understands.
Farsickness Around the Internet
GoAbroad Blog of the Week I was named GoAbroad Blog of the Week! This was a huge honor and I’m so flattered to be appear on their site.
Future Travel Plans
I’m taking a flight today from KL to Krabi. I’ll spend the next two weeks island hopping in southern Thailand and then make my way up to Bangkok. The final two weeks of the month will be spent exploring Burma.
For real time updates make sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!
What were your favorite posts around the blogosphere in March? Do you have any travel plans that you are looking forward to in April?
Thanks for the mention! Have fun in Thailand, it’s one of my favorite places in the world!
Edna recently posted..The hilarious world of strange Internet search terms
Thank you- it’s been 3 days and I’m already in love.
Thanks for including me this month & congrats on being blog of the week!
Lauren recently posted..That Time We Didn’t Get Married in Newcastle
Thanks Lauren!
Girl, you have covered some ground! We sent a Semester at Sea group to the Cameron Highlands, and it looked amazing.
Camels & Chocolate recently posted..What I Read 2013: Part I
I am doing this trip at a break neck speed in order to get everything fit in before I have to be back in the US this summer. Not ideal, but it’s been fun. And the Cameron Highlands were stunning! If you’re ever back in the area, go!
I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but just so you know, cockroaches in Thailand can fly. I’m just warning you. It’s better you know now than find our in your guesthouse bathroom at 3 am as one flies at you from the sink. Trust me. Luckily, I was a little tipsy at the time and the experience is blurry…
Alana – Paper Planes recently posted..>> A Newsletter & a Giveaway >>
Ahhhhhh oh. my. god. I am never going to the bathroom in the middle of the night in this country, that’s for sure! Thank god for the alcohol!
I was in El Nido last August and the long van ride sucks, but the paradise waiting is worth the effort
I was in Coron the other week. If you want to go back to the Philippines, try to visit the other sites. so many places to see!
I also loved Cameron Highlands. Lucky to see the rafflesia in full bloom yay

Micamyx|Senyorita recently posted..Bangus Festival 2013 in Dagupan City – Schedule of Activities
I’m hoping I can make it back to the Philippines some day. There’s so much to see and so little time and money
Great wrap up! Your trip sounds amazing thus far and I just love following your Instagram (trying very hard not to be jealous most of the time!). I’m looking forward to hearing more about paradisiacal beaches and (hopefully) cockroach-free adventures!
And thanks so much for the mention — highly appreciated!
Julika recently posted..Nuremberg via Instagram
How exciting! I’m impressed. I’m liking your blog.
Thanks Eileen!
Thanks for the linky love!
Also jealous you went to the Perhentian islands – it was high on my “to-visit” list when I was in SEA, but somehow never made it that far south.
Adam recently posted..The basic questions we have to answer about ourselves
They were amazing. If you’re ever back in this part of the world, try to get there!
Looks like you’re having an incredible adventure! I spent 3 weeks in the Philippines a couple years ago and LOVED it. I didn’t get a chance to go to Palawan but it looks amazing and I might be visiting there over my winter break. Cockroaches are gross, indeed… but I’d rather find a cockroach in my bathroom than one of those enormous and terrifying spiders! Enjoy Thailand now!

Kaleena’s Kaleidoscope recently posted..Little Moments and the Happiness of Three Dumplings