June Wrap Up

I’ve decided to start doing monthly wrap ups in order to look back at some of my favorite posts, both on this blog and around the interwebs, as well as to feature posts I’ve made elsewhere and give a preview of the month to come.

What’s been going on in June? Let’s have a look.

My Favorite Farsickness Posts

Korea Queer Culture Festival: Korea’s version of Pride had a great turnout for a country that is far from gay friendly.

Korea: Great Travel Destination or Not?: The pros and cons of traveling in South Korea.

Beers of Korea: There’s a saying “Cass is ass, and Hite is shite”. This post takes a look at some of the better beer options available.

What I’ve Been Reading

Waegook Tom The Problem With English Education in Korea: Korea spends billions of won a year on English education yet the language acquisition seems minimal. Tom’s post highlights some of the major problems in Korea, problems that are often highly frustrating as a teacher here.

Lateral Movements Do You Re-Visit Destinations? : Sometimes I think Lauren is reading my mind and this post is a fine example of that. She talks about what it’s like to go back to places and how it can be a little bit different.

Backpacks and Bunkbeds The Ups and Downs of a Travel Blogger: Sometimes being a blogger can feel a bit like having bipolar disorder. One day you’re on top of the world thinking you are finally gaining readership and page views. Then the next your lamenting the fact you didn’t get any comments. Neil’s post on this is fantastic.

Aussie on the Road Saving the World! My Experience Volunteering in China: Not the typical tale of travel volunteerism, Chris presents a great narrative about his experience teaching English in rural China. Truly great writing in this post.

Expat Edna Stacks: Edna, an American expat living in Paris, writes about her her history with books and libraries. I’ve always been an avid reader, and partially attribute my desire to see the world to barreling through books as child. Her post really hit home. And there’s a Babysitter Club reference.

Farsickness Around the Internet

Waegook Tom Shabu Shabu: Tom, an English expat living in Daejeon, features culinary treats from around the world in his weekly series ‘Foodporn Friday’. I contributed a post about my favorite food in Korea, shabu shabu.

Cookiesound is Travelling Home Sweet Home Questionnaire: Nisa reached out to me on Twitter asking me to contribute to her Home Sweet Home series. I happily obliged and spent time talking about my hometown, Michigan, and my current Korean home.

Upcoming Travel

Summer has arrived in Seoul with full force over the past couple of weeks. It appears that monsoon season will begin tomorrow making travel and weekend outings slightly more unpleasant. I do have a trip to the Boryeong Mud Festival planned for mid-July where I will congregate with other foreigners on the western shore and play with mud. Sure to be a good time.

I’m looking forward to July because it means the end of the semester at school and that summer vacation is quickly approaching. With the work slowing down I’m holding myself to a strict schedule next month: I will post 3 times a week!

Happy Travels in July!

What were your favorite blog posts in June? 

If you haven’t already, please ‘Like’ Farsickness on Facebook and stay up to date on all my travels and posts! Your support is greatly appreciated. 

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  1. June 29, 2012
    • July 1, 2012
  2. June 29, 2012
    • July 1, 2012
  3. July 1, 2012
    • July 1, 2012

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