When I made the decision to quit my job in favor of location independence, I decided it didn’t mean just running off to the far corners of the world and never looking back. It means more than that.
It means living life on my own terms.
It means not missing out on the important life events of family and friends.
It means traveling slowly and giving myself time get to know the places I visit while being able to get work done.
It means making destination choices that make me happy, even if that means returning to familiar surroundings.
I decided that while I take my first steps toward a location indenpence and freelacing I wanted to give myself some semblance of stability and familiarity. I didn’t want to throw myself into the unknown. Thus, a lot of my travel plans this year involve long stays in places I’ve been.
United States: January-April
I’m going to spend the first four months of this year in the US while I get my freelancing career off the ground and save some safety net money. This doesn’t mean I’ll be completely stationary, though. I’m going to Chicago this weekend for a reunion with college friends (and a craft beer tour!) and next month I’m heading to San Diego to see Jessica. Keeping with my resolution to go somewhere every month, I’m in the process of planning small trips for March and April. Any suggestions?
Italy: May-July
In May I’m returning to my favorite country in the entire world: Italy! I’m starting my trip in Palermo and will spend the next two weeks traveling in Sicily discovering my ancestral homeland. From there I plan on traveling through Calabria and Basilicata before meeting my friend Claire in Puglia. From there it’s up to Rome for 3 weeks of writing, eating, and feeling the love of my former home. Besides discovering a few new regions of Italy, I also hope to improve my Italian language skills and will be doing a lot of couchsurfing and renting rooms in shared apartments.
United Kingdom: July-August
My friend is getting married in Northhamptonshire on July 11 so I figured that was the perfect excuse to spend a month in the UK. After the wedding I’ll be based in my old flat in London where I have plans to eat all my favorite food (Bao, Indian takeaway, my flatmate’s spag bol), try a few new places (the restaurant where I interned finally opened), and hang out at my old local. I also want to check out the craft beer scene in Cardiff, walk the Seven Sisters in Sussex, and finally take a street art tour of East London.
Iceland: August
I’m taking advantage of Icelandair’s free stopover and spending 3 full days in this Nordic country on my way back to the States. Because I’m visiting in the summer I won’t be able to see the Northern Lights, but I plan on taking advantage of the many hours of daylight exploring as much of this island as I can.
United States: August-October
I’m coming back to the US for two main reasons: a wedding and a friend’s 30th birthday celebration. (God, I’m old.) Almost as soon as my plane lands at JFK I’ll be driving up to the Poconos for a weekend of wedding festivities before heading back to New York where I’ll be basing myself for the next month or so. In late September I’ll probably fly to Minneapolis to visit my friend Heather before making my way back to Kentucky for some time with the family and Kasey’s 30th birthday bourbon trail extravaganza. Last but not least, a trip to San Francisco to see my friend Brooke on the way to that continent across the Pacific.
Asia: October-December
This is where my plans get a little less certain as I haven’t booked airfare yet, but I’d like to round out the year back in Asia. My plan is to finally make it to TBEX (a travel blogging conference I’ve bought tickets to twice before but never actually attended) in Bangkok mid-month and then spend a bit of time traveling in Thailand before moving on to Indonesia. I’d like to attempt Mount Rinjanu before wet season starts and then head to Gili Trawangan to get my open water diving certification. I’m hoping to end my stay with a visit to Jakarta before flying off to Seoul where I’ll obviously spend all my time eating. And noraebang-ing.
Such exciting plans! I was thinking about TBEX but just can’t decide. It looks stressful. But I’m so close!!
Also, how does the icelandair thing work – do you have to book through their site?
Rachel Jones recently posted..15 Tips on Eating Street Food in India & Not Getting Sick
Come, come, come! I’m a little nervous but want to see what it’s like and it’s a good excuse to go to Asia soo…
I think you have to book through their site. There’s an option to choose the stopover in the booking box thingy. It was easy and cheap (though they only fly to a few cities in the US so you’d then have to book another flight to get to the Midwest.).
That’s so exciting! I love hearing about people setting out on big adventures. All these destinations sound amazing, especially Iceland. If you’re looking for a place to visit in the States I always think Portland maine is the greatest place on earth, plus you could totally go to Acadia.
Rebekah recently posted..Songpan and Why I Hated It
I went to Acadia when I was in Bar Harbor a few years ago and absolutely loved it. I would love to get back to Maine one of these days.
Very exciting plans! I think we’ll be in Italy the same time as you! We haven’t booked anything yet but are planning on June or July most likely. Probably mostly in Rome. If our schedules line up we should meet up! And I’m definitely jealous you’ll be returning to Korea — I dream of all the delicious cheap food!! I’m so impressed that you’ve decided to quit your job. I struggle so much with the conflicting desires to settle down (buy a house, get more pets…I already have two!) and to just drop it all and travel. I’m trying hard to find a balance and so I totally understand the struggle you felt at your former job!
Andrea recently posted..Wednesday Words: On Fear
It is really hard, especially, I’m sure, when you’re married and people expect you to live a settled-ish life. Definitely would love to meet up in Italy! Let me know when you figure out dates and stuff
This sounds like it’s going to be an amazing year for you! So envious of all your plans–especially Italy! I start feeling so restless when I hear other people are going there haha
I think reading blogs was the death to my full time job dreams. I couldn’t sit an an office and see everyone else traveling. Too much FOMO.
Also, you’re braving Korea in the winter?? Impressive!
Jenna recently posted..Stationery Obsession Deconstructed
Yeah…that is not ideal lol. I plan on spending all my time inside restaurants. Or drinking myself a soju coat
Sounds like you’ve got some amazing plans worked out. My only question – what time in August will you be in Iceland? I’m heading there in August as well

Lindsey recently posted..The Part Where I’m Asked How Work is Going and I Laugh and Laugh and Laugh
I’ll be there August 8-13. Let me know if you’re there the same time. Would love to grab a drink!
Damn, we’ll be there the week after. Maybe we’ll cross paths somewhere else in Europe.
Ahh, boo. Hopefully we do!
What an incredible 2015 you have planned! Best of luck to you and your location independence/freelancing career. I’ll be going to Iceland (officially!) right after you, so I’ll have to follow your blog for any tips & tricks for the country!
Amanda C @ UnrestingSea recently posted..Cuddling a Koala Got Personal
Thanks Amanda! Hopefully I can get better at blogging in real time or you might be waiting months for those Iceland posts
YES! To all of this.
Alana – Paper Planes recently posted..Street Art in Athens
See you at TBEX?!
I have a ticket for Bangkok…not 100% sure I’ll go yet, but probably!
Alana – Paper Planes recently posted..The Day-to-Day: Prague
Sounds like a pretty amazing year ahead! Can’t wait to follow along the adventures, Amanda!
Laura recently posted..Learning Korean and Some Strange Cultural Phrases
Thanks Laura! Pretty excited about reading about your adventures too
Swing through Shanghai on your way to [anywhere else in Asia]! If you have different entry and exit destinations (so as long as you’re not on a roundtrip ticket) you can get the 72-hour visa all for freeeeeeee. DO IT. I’ll be here. And have a couch.
Edna recently posted..Life in Shanghai: December
Consider it done. We’ll have to start a tactical plan about how to eat and drink as much as humanly possible in 72 hours.
Sounds like it’s shaping up to be a pretty good year! I’m also looking at going to Italy in May so hopefully our paths will cross!
Heather recently posted..The Best Meals We Ate in Istanbul
Oh, awesome! When you figure out dates let me know and hopefully we can grab a coffee or something
This all sounds excellent to me! I’m seeing Iceland for the first time this year too en route to visiting the in-laws in Germany. And I am planning to make it to TBEX in Bangkok too (I have a ticket, just have to make the rest happen!)!
Amanda Kendle recently posted..All the stuff I’ve learnt about Korean culture
Sounds like you have an exciting year planned too! Hope to see you at TBEX!
Come visit Washington DC — lots and lots to see and do in the capital

Jenia from HTL recently posted..Hai Van Pass Trip Report
I haven’t been to DC in so long. I should try to get back there!
Wow these are amazing plans! If I’m not on total burn out can’t cope mode you’ll see me at TBEX and maybe to help you hike a mountain in Indonesia! Wish you were here in Brazil now. Gosh how much that would change things I’m sure!
I’m forcing you to come to TBEX. We will have so much fun and it will be awesome.
I wish I was in Brazil as well. A nicer alternative to here
But…like 3 weeks until I’m in San Diego!!! Can’t wait!!
Hello Amanda,
I really excited to see your travel plan of 2015. Yes, You have chosen the famous places to travel in this year. Iceland is one of the best place in your list which is famous for its natural beauty and charm and offers a wide range of attractions and adventures for travelers.
All the best Amanda! Keep on traveling!
Srimanta Ghosh recently posted..Top 10 places to visit in Mumbai
Thanks Srimanta!
That sounds like an amazing time!
I try and talk to people about how I know how to work. I work 30 hours and I am taking 15 credits this semester. But they don’t seem to understand that I don’t want that to be my life, or my future. I don’t want to spend my time thinking about vacation days, or lack there of. I think it is brave and wonderful what you are doing and I wish you all the best!
I will be studying abroad in the Czech Republic this summer and spending the first week of August in Iceland as well (if everything goes as planned). I have never been, but I’m excited for the black beaches and colorful houses!
Have a great year!
Thanks Blakeley! I hope you have a wonderful semester in the Czech Republic (studying abroad is seriously the best) and if our time in Iceland overlaps we’ll have to meet up for a drink
These sound like great plans! It’s amazing that you’ve got so much of it mapped out already. I love Italy too. It’s definitely my favourite country in Europe. It’s hard no to just keep going back there!
I’m a planner, what can I say
And Italy. Bah. Wish I could just live there.
You’re going to Cardiff? Oh my gosh. (I’m a little homesick) Well apparently there are a ton of new restaurants and bars that have popped up since I’ve been gone – loads of places for different beers too. Urban Taphouse is a place I hate (because it’s possibly the most pretentious and hipstery place in the world) but it does have a massive range of worldwide beers so that might be worth checking out. Obviously you have to try Brains beer too as it’s brewed right there in the city (though not my favourite beer
But let me know when you’re back in Seoul at the end of the year. Noraebang!!

Ceri recently posted..4 Koreanisms I Keep Confusing Americans With
Yes! I might also try to go to Snowdonia if I have time! I tried Brains at a beer festival in London last year and fell in love with it so I NEED to visit them!
How much longer are you in Korea?! I hope we can have an Asian reunion!
God I love San Diego. I went to Iceland in November and it was absolutely amazing, I hope you enjoy it!
laura recently posted..How To Be Awesome In Bread
Happy to see rave reviews for both these places
I want to hear all about Cardiff! I will be going to Grad school there in the fall. Sounds like you have an amazing year ahead of you!
Miquel recently posted..Life is Not Always Linear
I will definitely be writing about it! It sounds like a cool place so I’m sure you will have an awesome semester.