Farsickness is a fast growing travel blog with a focus on culinary and historical travel and living abroad. Farsickness reaches an engaged audience of mostly women between the ages of 18-34 in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and South Korea. My content covers many topics around the world including tips on trip planning, living abroad, finding the best meal, and participating in unique experiences with a focus on Asia, Europe, and North America.

Why work with Farsickness?

Farsickness offers professional, high quality writing and photography. As a MA Digital Journalism student I have a deep understanding of how to create web based content and run social media campaigns. In addition, I bring enthusiasm and integrity to all of my work with Farsickness. Lastly, working with Farsickness is easy for you. I create all the content you’d like while bringing your company extra exposure online.

Advertising Options

Banner ads, widgets, and text ads are all available. I charge reasonable rates on a monthly or permanent basis.

Press Trips, Reviews, and Partnerships

In addition to advertising, I am always interested in working directly with your company. Farsickness accepts partnerships for sponsored accommodation, tours, cooking classes, adventure activities, meals, or transportation. In exchange, I will post a full review on this blog with high quality photos and include mentions on various social media platforms.

For more information download the Farsickness Media Kit or contact me using this form or at amanda (at) farsicknessblog.com.