London Archive

What I Ate in London: January

In addition to my New Year’s resolutions, I’ve also made it a goal to check out more of London’s dining scene this year. Eating out in London can be expensive, but there are some good budget places out there. And really, eating at a ...Read More

Afternoon Tea in London: Round 2

This past weekend my friend Kasey (yes, the same one who visited me in Korea last year) stopped by London on her way home from a work trip in Germany. It was a perfectly timed trip as our other good friend from college is ...Read More

Netil Market: My Happy Place

London has a lot of markets. Like, I think about 90% of my weekend plans that don’t involve bars or pubs revolve around a market of some sort. This is not a problem because unlike markets in Asia, which I usually find to be ...Read More

Eating the East End: A London Food Tour

When I announced I was moving to London, everyone I talked to was extremely enthusiastic. They were planning their trips and talking about their favorite places to shop and what free museum is the best. The only (supposed) negative they kept bringing up? The food. ...Read More
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