Comments on: How to Learn English (Or Any Other Langauge) /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge Traveling the world in search of my next great meal Fri, 14 Jun 2013 08:04:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amanda Slavinsky /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-2606 Amanda Slavinsky Fri, 22 Mar 2013 08:41:50 +0000 /?p=748#comment-2606 I completely agree! When I lived in in Italy I was one of the few of my friends who'd studied the language so, like you, they picked up words but weren't really able to string together sentences. Also, the same in Korean. I knew a lot of nouns but like 2 verbs... I completely agree! When I lived in in Italy I was one of the few of my friends who’d studied the language so, like you, they picked up words but weren’t really able to string together sentences. Also, the same in Korean. I knew a lot of nouns but like 2 verbs…

By: Ceri /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-2450 Ceri Thu, 07 Mar 2013 20:15:25 +0000 /?p=748#comment-2450 Some great tips. I think it's really important for anyone learning a new language to at least get some lessons in learning the very very basic grammar structures and most common verbs. I've picked up a lot of vocabulary from living in Mexico and my listening and reading skills are pretty good. However, because I've never had proper lessons, I can't speak. So many people say that integrating yourself into a new culture makes it easy to learn a language but it's not. You can't practice your language skills if you don't know the most basic rules. You become mute. So that would be my tip. :) Don't do what I do and just assume you can pick it up from those around you. At least get classes in the very basics first. Then you can build on it by being part of the new culture. Some great tips. I think it’s really important for anyone learning a new language to at least get some lessons in learning the very very basic grammar structures and most common verbs.

I’ve picked up a lot of vocabulary from living in Mexico and my listening and reading skills are pretty good. However, because I’ve never had proper lessons, I can’t speak.

So many people say that integrating yourself into a new culture makes it easy to learn a language but it’s not. You can’t practice your language skills if you don’t know the most basic rules. You become mute.

So that would be my tip. :) Don’t do what I do and just assume you can pick it up from those around you. At least get classes in the very basics first. Then you can build on it by being part of the new culture.

By: Amanda /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-513 Amanda Tue, 04 Sep 2012 06:08:39 +0000 /?p=748#comment-513 That's a great idea. It's easy to get frustrated in the long process; the end might be nowhere in sight! Thanks for the comment. That’s a great idea. It’s easy to get frustrated in the long process; the end might be nowhere in sight! Thanks for the comment.

By: Ryan /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-511 Ryan Mon, 03 Sep 2012 11:08:17 +0000 /?p=748#comment-511 Having no fear is important, but, for me, the most important thing to do is to have small, achievable goals. Learning a language is something that really has no end to it. You never get to a point where you're "finished," and that drives me crazy! Completing small goals gives me at least some satisfaction along the long, long language learning journey! Having no fear is important, but, for me, the most important thing to do is to have small, achievable goals. Learning a language is something that really has no end to it. You never get to a point where you’re “finished,” and that drives me crazy! Completing small goals gives me at least some satisfaction along the long, long language learning journey!

By: Amanda /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-157 Amanda Wed, 30 May 2012 23:45:35 +0000 /?p=748#comment-157 I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's had that fear! I do it the opposite sometimes, turn on English subtitles for shows dubbed in Italian, to practice listening, but I'll have to try it your way sometime too! Thanks for the comment. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who’s had that fear! I do it the opposite sometimes, turn on English subtitles for shows dubbed in Italian, to practice listening, but I’ll have to try it your way sometime too! Thanks for the comment.

By: Micki@theBarefootNomad /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-154 Micki@theBarefootNomad Wed, 30 May 2012 17:38:42 +0000 /?p=748#comment-154 Amanda, I agree, have no fear is by far the most important. I'm from Canada, and Canadians who speak French are expected to speak it well (since most of the country's bilingual). Consequently, growing up, I was always afraid to practice my French around native French speakers, which really held me back. As an adult, I've been learning Spanish, and have learned to get over the hurdle of sounding foolish. As a result, my Spanglish is improving rapidly. When I'm in Canada, I find that turning Spanish subtitles on my English language movies works wonders for my vocabulary (though I'm still working on my pronunciation). Amanda, I agree, have no fear is by far the most important. I’m from Canada, and Canadians who speak French are expected to speak it well (since most of the country’s bilingual). Consequently, growing up, I was always afraid to practice my French around native French speakers, which really held me back.

As an adult, I’ve been learning Spanish, and have learned to get over the hurdle of sounding foolish. As a result, my Spanglish is improving rapidly.

When I’m in Canada, I find that turning Spanish subtitles on my English language movies works wonders for my vocabulary (though I’m still working on my pronunciation).

By: Amanda /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-100 Amanda Wed, 16 May 2012 08:45:23 +0000 /?p=748#comment-100 It absolutely is! I wish I wasn't so shy about speaking my "other" languages. It absolutely is! I wish I wasn’t so shy about speaking my “other” languages.

By: Amanda @ Not A Ballerina /how-to-learn-english-or-any-other-langauge/#comment-98 Amanda @ Not A Ballerina Tue, 15 May 2012 12:03:11 +0000 /?p=748#comment-98 "Have no fear" is absolutely the most important. Yet it's the hardest to do! “Have no fear” is absolutely the most important. Yet it’s the hardest to do!
